Saturday 8 October 2011

Amanda Knox

Mad at the media surrounding the decision by an Italian court last week for the release of Amanda Knox, and the exchange of students convicted of killing a fellow American in Perugia, and was a journalist Nina Burleigh with television and semi-fixed. Face shave her inside and outside of fairs such as "Today", "Good Morning America", "20/20" and "Anderson Cooper 360," she made appearances on NPR, BBC and MSNBC.

With the defense confirmed by Ms. Knox (criticism of "appalling" treatment her by the courts and the Italian mass media, insisted that "no evidence" that "the jury form of conviction"), Ms. Burley and sometimes appeared to move from advocacy to press , intercourse with what was known since a long time as a correspondent and author, and the line was dangerous.

Knox was one case is known in black and white: for they are the devil, against innocent owners in return for the ugly American abroad, and friends against friends Amanda Meredith Kercher, murder victim is often left to focus on the individual, a beautiful girl accused of killing her.

Collection of books about the case to the point that the polarization, including two by the pair of authors who seem to represent a large gap between the presumption of innocence and the certainty of guilt. Ms. Burley, a former correspondent for a time, they appear as the author of "fatal gift of beauty: Amanda Knox trial" which was released recently. Another address, in the earlier book, "Angel Face: The real story of the murderer of the student Amanda Knox," left no doubt that the author's point of view, Barbie Latza Nadu, a writer and Rome-based daily beast and Newsweek magazine.

As Mrs. Burley, 51, has inspired the wrath of those convinced of guilt, Ms. Knox, Ms. Nadu has become the scourge of troops loyal to Amanda. (In fact, the introduction of the book Ms. Nadu, writes Tina Brown, editor of the Daily Beast and Newsweek, that the author "send a goal earned her the hostility of the pro-bloggers Knox fierce.")

From the perspective of Ms. Nadu, Ms. Knox, now 24, and the discovery of sex, drugs, and enjoy it a little too much. She fell in with the wrong people at the wrong time and place, and then try to spasm of the consequences of the aid of a news media the U.S. was keen to give a halo around a beautiful young girl from the Pacific Northwest.

This is not so contrary to impressions of Ms. Burley when reports began her book in 2009: "I thought it might numb you up, a bad night."

But the transfer of Ms. Burley, holding a cup of coffee during an interview shortly after the court's decision last week, and the intensity of the patent on Ms. Knox. Her eyes dark reform in a way that speaks. Moved her hands emphatically points to become acquainted with her, and her intonation (as in "Amanda Knox was not at all change her story" and "the prosecution ignored the questions" about the strength of evidence.)

Blog dedicated to "justice for Meredith Kercher," Ms. Burley call a shill for the publicity juggernaut Knox family, "a relentlessly encouraging and reckless beyond all things American," to quote one. On her Facebook page, and we salute Ms. Burley fans "to achieve justice."

"Amanda Knox case pushing buttons on race, sex and motherhood, and the power of feminine beauty, and the lack of security - or lack thereof - and national dignity," said Ms. Burley. The men became obsessed with the case of Ms. Knox out of sexual attraction, while the women "look at her and sees a beautiful girl who stole her boyfriend or daughter, or a false friend."

Ms. Burley itself, so do not relate particularly to Ms. Knox, who said her "roommate really annoying" in college. Her, it was just a good story: the victim was a beautiful young woman, and accused of "two little love birds," as the lawyer Rafael Sollecito called.

Prosecutors said Ms. Knox and her former boyfriend, Mr. Sollecito, killed Ms. Kercher in a sex game right. Ms. Knox has insisted she was in Mr Sollecito's house during the murder and signed a statement blaming the president, owner of a bar - which is black, by injection in a race drama. (Has been cleared at a later time).

Ms. Burley has moved with her family to Perugia for a period of nine months starting soon Amanda Knox testified in June 2009. By the end of the first month in Italy, she said, she concluded that there is no record to back up the details presented as facts in imaging the popular Amanda Knox: she and her boyfriend was out of the crime scene that morning with a mop and bucket. Which was seen on video leaving the apartment the night of the killings. That her boyfriend has done research on the global network of laundering around the time of the killings. The effects of the feet of Ms. Knox takes bloody Ms. Kercher's body.

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