Tuesday, 4 October 2011

michael lewis

I remember going and people ask me [Arnold Schwarzenegger], 'What are you going to do? "He says, dodging the homeless and ran along the beach bike path." I thought about it but decided I did not intend to do so. I told Maria I did not, respectively. I told everyone I did not, respectively. I did not run "and then in the middle of madness I remember, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Open. As a machine movie pioneer, and was expected to appear on the Tonight Show to promote it. In the way of experienced is the motive, the motive fashionable to do something out of the ordinary. "I just thought, this will freak out everyone," he says. "We will be very funny. I am announcing that I, respectively. I said to you on Leno, respectively. Two months later, I was governor. "He looked at me more, their threats as soon as I can to keep up with him, and laughing

I think that this completely. Arnold does not strike me and the kind of person who plans everything, but I think it is excellent in absorbing the moment.

    Can be summarized his view in his seven years in an attempt to run the state of California as follows. He came to power by mistake, but not devoid of ideas about what he wants to do. In the bottom of his heart he believed the government had become more of the solution to the problem: lower operating institution for the people and not for the benefit of politicians and other public sector employees. He acted very much as Americans seem to imagine a political ideal should act: is to take bold decisions without looking at the polls, and that he did not favor the sale; he treated his opponents to some extent, and that he was quick to recognize his mistakes and learning from them; and so on. It was a rare elected official who believes, with some reason, and it has nothing to lose, and acted accordingly. Tended when presented with the opportunity to pursue the agenda of the violation of his narrow political self-interest of the public interest, to jump in it. "There was a lot of times when we said, 'You can not do it," says his former chief of staff, Susan Kennedy, a Democrat for life, which had contracted with one of those things was not supposed Republican governor's not. "He was always like," I do not care. "Ninety percent of the time he was a good thing."

    Two years after taking office in mid-2005, I tried everything he could to convince the thinking of individual legislators in the state of California to vote against the short-term desires of their constituents in favor of more long-term for all. "For me there were moments of shock," he says. The acceleration of the past do not enter sign, and we are now flying through intersections without stopping. I can not help but notice that if we do not break the law going in the wrong direction in the one-way street, we would be breaking the law by running stop signs. "When you want to do to reform the pension system by prison guards," he says, "and line up all of a sudden all, even the Republicans against you. It was really incredible, and this happens over and over again: people were saying to me:" Yes, this is the best idea! I like to vote for it! But if you vote for him some interest groups will be angry with me, so I will not do so. "I could not believe people actually can say that. You have soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they do not want to risk their lives through political do the right thing."

California is ungovernable.

Also, some interesting ideas about how to compensate exactly the California Assembly and the union reached the current levels crazy:

    Over the past decade was in the city of San Jose collapsed again and again to the demands of unions between the public and safety. In practice, this means that when the police department or any fire in the nearby town struck a better deal for themselves, and became a new argument for improving the salaries of police in San Jose and fire. The impact to make the cut urethrae deal between the public and the safety of working with any city in Northern California as a springboard for the next round of negotiations in every other city. Departments also used each other to record the discussion points. For example, in 2002, reducing the San Jose Police Union for three years, which raised the pay of police officers by 18 percent over the decade. Shortly thereafter, cut firefighters in San Jose a better deal for themselves, including raising the wages of more than 23 percent. I felt robbed, police and complained vigorously until the city council and the deal has handed over 5 percent of paid insurance premiums in exchange for training to fight terrorists. "We have known for to pay for anti-terrorism training we have," explains one of the city officials. End up paying a premium stop anti-terrorism training, and kept the police just pay extra, with benefits. "Our police officers and firefighters will earn more in retirement than they were when they were working," says Reid. "There used to be an argument you have to give us money or we can not live in the city. Now, whenever you pay them because they are less likely to live in the city, because they can leave. It's amazing. When we go to give people on sick leave because he left accumulate and cash in for hundreds of thousands of dollars when they are done at work? there is corruption here. It's not just financial corruption. It is the position of the corruption of public service. "

    When he was elected to city council, says Reid: "I did not think about pensions. I can not say I said, 'Here my plan." I never thought about these things. Never came. "It was not until San Diego dealt with bankruptcy, in 2002, and he questioned the financing of San Jose. Began to investigate the matter." That's when I realized there are big problems, "he says." That's when it started to pay attention. This is when I started asking questions: Can it happen here? It's like the housing bubble, and the Internet bubble. There were people who were on writing about this subject. It's not that there are people who are not telling us that this is madness. Who would refuse to believe you're crazy. "

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