Saturday 1 October 2011

chris christie

In more than apostasy, Diane Ellis asked question of the hour: If Chris Christie to become a candidate for the presidency, and cementation is block the road to the White House? I think that the answer to the question is, of course, not. Voters in the mood for Semites for Obama. Christie's and offers the perfect contrast, leading up to the waist. Christie is not a handicap weight, but an advantage. Weight is an element of validity to it.

This is one question which I would like to "weigh in" - with few expectations. If Christie was elected president, he would convey the image of William Howard Taft for in the Oval Office. Obesity will not go back to fashion again. Christie will give new meaning to the term "political heavyweights". Perhaps more importantly, for the baby boom population densely populated, "heavy, man," will be a modern revival of a term of approbation.

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