Saturday 1 October 2011


We noted this earlier in the week, but Lakshman Achuthan of ECRI, and in the process of formally invited audience recession now. In an interview with CNBC this morning, Achuthan, which owns the group has a very good track record over the years, he says now heads to the economy of the United States of negative growth. It is a detailed analysis in a report released last week: "Today, we must sound the alarm loud and clear. Shifted indicators ECRI's leading U.S. economic activity fell in the sequence of textbooks - for the first time the United States a long index of leading indicators, then the index Weekly leadership, and finally the United States short-leading indicators. their growth rates are also decreases the patrol, as well as growth rates in each of the indicators of specific sectors ECRI leading. Under these circumstances, there is no indication that economic growth in the reacceleration in the near hand. in the process of checking the evidence, and we studied each and every one of these indexes that lead to the choice whether they are in a recession clearly, diffuse and fixed (three P) in accordance with the "hard landing", a recession, rather than non-recession slowdown. After study of three P for all these leading indicators, we found that the vast majority of the tracks at the present time in the configurations of the recession. in practice, such a result is enough to justify calling a recession. There is a useful way to summarize the evidence we see points to recession to study the prevalence doubled between components of the indicators U.S. ECRI leading economic activity ... In this context, the decline in the recession in the management summary of the many indicators that result in reliable, coupled with the ill-fated landing in a great deal of activity represents the current economic realities, rather than expectations, which is a strong signal of recession. "
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We noted this earlier in the week, but Lakshman Achuthan of ECRI, and in the process of formally invited audience recession now. In an interview with CNBC this morning, Achuthan, which owns the group has a very good track record over the years, he says now heads to the economy of the United States of negative growth. It is a detailed analysis in a report released last week:

    "Today, we must sound the alarm loud and clear voice turned indicators ECRI's leading U.S. economic activity fell in the sequence of textbooks - for the first time the United States a long index of leading indicators, then the index of weekly leadership, and finally the United States short-leading indicators . their growth rates are also in the periodic declines, as well as growth rates in each of the indicators of specific sectors ECRI leading. Under these circumstances, there is no indication that the reacceleration of economic growth in the near at hand.

    In the process of scrutiny of the evidence, and we studied each and every one of these indexes that lead to the choice whether they are in a recession clearly, diffuse and fixed (three P) in accordance with the "hard landing", which is stagnation, not recession, rather than slowing down. After studying the three P for all these leading indicators, we found that the vast majority of the tracks at the present time in the configurations of the recession. In practice, such a result is enough to justify calling a recession.

    There is a useful way to summarize the evidence which we refer to the recession to study the prevalence doubled between the components of ECRI's leading indicators of U.S. economic activity in the area ... In this context, the decline in the recession in the management summary of the many indicators that result in reliable, coupled with the ill-fated landing in a great deal of activity represents the current economic realities, rather than expectations, which is a strong signal of recession. "

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