Saturday 1 October 2011

john henry

What is the sculptor to do? Sculpture difficult to sell: Most traders will not be touched. Marketing owning one is a chore and a distraction at the same time. Problems multiply and increase the size of the sculptor.

But the sculptors can't wait to get on the percentage of the functional commissions? Do not put a large piece in airports and public squares in these days? It is not we have three sculpture gardens in the open air nearby, and Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park in University Park, and Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, Purdue North Central in Westville, Indiana full of work by local artists?

True, but forty years ago there was no demand for a wide range of artists who live by the sculpture. Maj. John Henry and other sculptors in the market, starting from Chicago, and expanding throughout the United States. Since then, placed more than 2000 Henry of his works all over the world. John Henry, a newly published study of Ruder Finn in New York Press, and tells the story, and accompanies it with great pictures of the artist. Included are a DVD with the account portrayed Henry in action.

Building skills

John Henry, son of building contractor and learned very young how to run a bulldozer, crane work, metal, welding. Originally a painter, he began to make sculpture while he was a student at the University of Kentucky. He graduated from Kentucky in 1965 and moved to Chicago later this year as it had a scholarship at the School of the Art Institute.
Gregarious by nature, Henry quickly made connections in Chicago, with artists and the art establishment. Soon he was shown all over the region, and the sale of a piece from time to time, and put bread on the table through the supervision of small construction projects. In 1967-1968, and became a studio assistant to sculptor Steve Urry, who also worked great. The Henry and Urry Chicago sculptors only in those ancient days, but many others wanted to make a very large scale pieces.

During the late 1960s, and collaborated with his peers Henry to organize exhibitions of their work in public places. Took eight American sculptors, the path of collapse, just place the Plaza in downtown Chicago during the month of October and November of 1968. Henry and co Urry, Richard Hunt, Gerald Jacquard, Strautmanis Edvins, Mark de Suvero, Michael Steiner, and Michael Hall. For the first time, I saw a Chicago public local sculptors what it can do.
History has worked in favor of artists. August 15, 1967, Mayor Daley has devoted an untitled 50-foot-tall colossus Pablo Picasso in Chicago in the middle of the city. This was the work, which has since become a symbol of Chicago, the first of the statues on a large scale by many of Joan Miro, Alexander Calder, Jean Dubuffet Jaume Plensa, Anish Kapoor and others to rise in the center of the city. Basically, cooperated in the city of Chicago and local artists to win a huge public sculpture.

Henry soon found that after he finished school and teaching at the University of Iowa and the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Although he was often out of town, he kept in touch with Chicago. In 1970, he purchased an abandoned and Richard Hunt, a high roof transit authority in the construction of a Chicago street Lill, which turned to the studio. Chase is still working there.

During those years, and sold on a large scale sculptures for the city of Henry Rockford, Illinois State Museum, the Dallas Museum of Art, University of Central Florida, and other buyers. Coordinated the Art in Chicago in the garden of the exhibition, which shows that his work and others in Grant Park. Also participated in the sculpture off the substrate, an important group exhibition of the archaeological museum in Grand Rapids Michigan and the Arts in downtown Grand Rapids.

Building Gallery

In 1977, he founded the Henry and Mark di Suvero, Jerry Burt, Ginniver Charles Howard, Linda, Cape Lehman, Snelson, Kenneth, and Frank McGuire Gallery was established in Chicago, a project for profit, which showed members of the artist and toured the exhibitions. And continued to build gallery for ten years, and helped to found the sculpture widely throughout the United States.
In 1978, the Chicago City Council approved the percentage of the decree of the art, which states that 1.33% of the cost of construction or repair of municipal buildings and public spaces will be allocated to the original artwork in the building. Decree also stipulates that the grant of at least half the number of committees to the Chicago area artists. Chicago was one of the first cities to pass such a decree, and we have now more than 200 at the national level. Developed to sculpture percent in many more places than ever before, it was seen before, and put money in the pockets of the sculptors. And Henry and his colleagues helped to create a climate in which the percentage for art became possible.

By 1980, Henry was spending more and more time in Florida, where he found generous patrons and can operate in the open air throughout the winter. After a few years in Florida, he moved to Kentucky, then to Chattanooga, Tennessee, now employing nearly two dozen people to help in building large sculptures and gallery management relations in the world. Early this year, Henry was commissioned to build a 302-foot-tall steel sculpture of light in a public park along the waterfront of Baltimore. Work in this project, sculpture, and this is longer than the Statue of Liberty, will begin in 2012.

Passionate photographer
As expected with the study of art is full of John Henry with color photographs. What makes this book especially to David Finn has been portrayed by Henry key pieces from multiple angles, which greatly increases our understanding of them. Has been portrayed by the Finnish, who is the founder and Chairman of Ruder Finn, Inc. Public Relations, and sculpture for years, and published several books of his work.

There are two pieces that have received treatment in the central Finnish city of Chicago, which makes access to them. Bridgeport (1984), The first of these is the blue-gray aluminum sculpture, 35 feet high by 25 feet by 15 feet long and wide that we see in the center lobby of James Thompson. Finnish published color photographs of five of Bridgeport from different angles, walk around it in the reader base. It also provides footage of ten of detail, showing how they were making the statue and suggest some of the effects of Henry. Overall, remember Bridgeport drawings and paintings of the Russian Avant-garde vision, Tatlin, in particular, but Henry's dream of what the Russians built. Details of the proposal Franz Klein influence remember that Henry began as a painter. If we look closely at the pictures (the original visit, too!) Suggests that the work succeeds Henry as he takes great care with the increase and standards of each element in his sculptures.

A piece of painted aluminum sculpture of Henry II in downtown Chicago is the sharp edge (1975), and bright yellow feet high in 12 feet long by 50 feet wide and 15. Sharp edge, which is located at the corner of Cermak Road, King Street and Calumet Drive at the entrance to the McCormick Center, some insects crawling look great. Finland's four shots of the full details of size and nine of the sharp edge suggests several ways in which Henry works with the positive and negative space in this piece. The state of Illinois Landscape # 5 (1976), a cousin of the sharp edge, in the Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park thirty miles to the south loop of Chicago.

In addition to photographs, and John Henry also includes an article by Steve Luecking of work put in historical context, and the interview with the artist David Finn, a short article by David Levy, and the translation (up to four languages!) Of articles. John Henry sets a new standard for art books. By all means read it, but better yet, you can visit work. Just get on the bus, it's that easy.

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