Friday 30 September 2011

herman cain

At best, the answer is to do with the cloudy word "electability". Or that Mr. Cain has not held elected political office.

In 2004, Mr. Ken manages to win the Republican nomination in the U.S. Senate in Georgia. Lost to Johnny Isakson. At the end of last week, Mr. Cain ran away with the Florida straw poll vote, and won 37%. He had burned all of the "southern" candidate, Rick Perry of Texas, who have worked hard to win votes, and Mitt Romney, who waged a campaign in every place in 2008 in Florida.

Time delay of a mystery in the plumb of the Herman Cain "interesting, but" the nomination. Let's start at the top in the nomination of the first class of Mitt Romney.

Although he got to rely governance, and the focus of Mr. Romney in this campaign on his experience of the private sector. It's good, though to knock the business model Bain Capital. But measured biography, Herman Cain, a deeper look in terms of work on the front lines in the private sector.

Details of the course of his life and deserves to know.
Cain in the late 1970s, was appointed by Coca-Cola in Atlanta, his first job in business, and work to Pillsbury in Minneapolis. The rapid rise, and is considered good. Joined the restaurant and a food company in 1978 as director of business analysis. In the early 1980s, Pillsbury sent him to learn to work in Burger King hamburger in Hopkins, Minnesota, and they assigned him, at the age of 36, to revive the stumbling block in the Pillsbury, business franchise Burger King in the Philadelphia area. Succeeded. According to the account in 1987 in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, said Pillsbury then President Wayne Allen: "It was an excellent bet Hermann always seemed to be acting together."

In 1986, he sent Mr. Pillsbury in 41 years to turn around their businesses Cain, Godfather's Pizza, based in Omaha. It seemed Herman Cain, who arrived there April 1 as the man himself, who roused voters on Sunday in the state of Florida: "I'm Herman Cain and this is not a joke, not April Fools and we did not die, and our goal is to prove to the Pillsbury and. Everyone that we will survive."

Sold to Pillsbury in the Godfather, Mr. Cain and some of his managers in 1988. Ran until 1996 and served as Executive Director of the National Restaurant Association from 1996-1999. June this year, he visited Mr. Cain with the editors of the magazine and put the issue of availability of health insurance within the context of the restaurant industry. He said the union restaurant tried hard to develop a health insurance program is able to meet the needs of this industry that operates power complex, executives, managers and staff full-time and part-time, students, and so forth. The perception of any insurance system requires a great deal of flexibility in choosing a plan and design.

It is from this period that one finds the popular video 1994, and now on YouTube, and Herman Cain on the TV screen from Omaha to discuss Bill Clinton on national legislation and his health during a meeting at City Hall. After the president estimates the company's profitability, Mr. Cain, suggesting that legislation can, Mr. Cain breaks mainly mathematics Clinton, in detail. "The cost of your plan ... has caused us to eliminate jobs."

Can put something of this through the "televised debates to explain everything, and 30 seconds in the format. Nor is there any chance to put his statements the discussion September 7 he was impressed by Chile's public and private sector social security system. Or flat taxes" 9-9-9 "proposal. (or any of the political ideas of the candidates for this issue.) So voters get nothing, and Mr. Cain stumbles.
When Mr. Cain spoke to the editors of the magazine, and the most exciting thing of amazement he said, reiterating that he has been in recent times, he could win the third black vote. Herman Cain will see to make his case to the black masses are interesting, period. Years ago, describing the influence of his father on his driver in Atlanta, Mr. Cain said: "My father gave me a sense of pride and the curse was the best driver he knew it, and everyone knows it.." Here guessing he'd get more of these voices of the candidates the Republican years.

No biography such as Herman Cain, add up to the U.S. presidency? I think not. But after watching the American Idol system, we have fallen for the discovery of the President with the opinion polls, and slips of the tongue, fancy and media decision-runners and even presidents re-I'm writing my presidential choice of software.
Conventional wisdom held this week, Chris Christie boomlet means the Republican Party in need of a Savior. The truth is that, at some point, Republicans will have to start digging deeper on their own to the candidates they have.

Put it this way: The Republican candidate is running against the outgoing president. Unlike the incumbent, Herman Cain has at least twice to determine the reasons for the failure of large projects, and objectives are designed, made them, and all standards of the neighborhood people were supposed to lead. Experience but not least, Mr. Cain suggests that life, unlike the current president, he will adjust his ideas into reality.
Herman Cain is a credible candidate. If he deserves to be president is something voters will decide. But he deserves serious consideration.

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