Saturday 1 October 2011

SAT cheating

The case of the Great Neck, NY, man accused of being paid to take the SAT for high school students once again raises questions about the national fraud going on in the world of high-stakes tests.

It also renewed concerns that the pressures on students to score well on one test, which plays a major role in determining the future of academia to the large number of high school students, and can encourage them to fraud and deception.

Six students at Great Neck North High School are facing misdemeanor charges for allegedly paying $ 1,500 to $ 2,500 for Eshaghoff Samuel to take the test for them, according to a press release on Tuesday for Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice.

Puzzle: Are you smarter than in the classroom 12TH? Reading and understanding of the competition.

Mr. Eshaghoff is a graduate in 2010 from high school and went to attend the University of Michigan and Emory University.

"Colleges look for the best and brightest students, but these six defendants tried to circumvent the order and perhaps kept honest and qualified students from falling into their dream school," Ms. Rice said in the statement. Were not naming the accused the prosecution because of their age.

He accused Eshaghoff, faces a felony charge and the possibility of four years in prison, the use of IDs with the image, but with the names of other students, to take the SAT on their behalf. Ms. Rice said some of the points mentioned above had in 2100. As a result for 2400 represents a perfect score on the test.

The neck is a great community of the wealthy, and the fact that such a scandal is playing there, "is an example of the arms race Sat happens, especially in affluent cities too, where kids think they are a failure unless you go to school where their parents would be proud to put a poster in the framework of their return," , says Robert Schaeffer, spokesman for the National Center for the tests fair and open in Boston, Massachusetts, which tracks and analyzes and criticizes standardized tests.

Some of the measures, the majority of young Americans feel that cheating on tests is justified. In the Josephson Institute of Ethics Survey 43000 of high school students this year, and 59 percent admitted cheating on a test during the past year, with 34 percent do so more than twice. He said after 92 percent of the students they were satisfied with personal morality and character.

The cheating scandal erupted in education in all forms, even recently. "The real question is, as a society we really want to take it seriously or dealt with only when people are not lucky enough to get caught?" Says Michael Josephson, founder and president of Josephson Institute. "We're raising the next generation of corporate pirates and bad guys if we do not promote the strength and stability of essential uses of absolute integrity."

SAT and ACT, and the last test for admission to universities, usually play a key role not only in whether a student receives in school, but also on the type of grants or other financial assistance they receive.

But it is difficult to know how various forms of fraud on a large scale and on such tests. It's more common to hear answers about sharing during the tests, which are often monitored by observers and paid more than energy, and Mr. Schaefer, a critic of standardized test, he says.

Prosecutions for the tradition of such rare, he adds, although there were sporadic reports and investigations over the years, and return, especially in the 1990s when he was student-athletes to get the minimum number of points to qualify for a Sabbath to play - a rule that has since been changed.

Educational Testing Service, which manages about 2.3 million Sat tests in a given year, eliminating about 1,000 of these degrees, mainly because of the students copy the answers, says spokesman Tom Ewing. Tradition is extremely rare, he says. Overall, observers do a good job, and their salaries were increased recently, says Mr. Ewing.

Officials contacted the school in Great Neck on ETS doubts, and after communication with the six students, ETS decided to cancel their findings Sat colleges both in the investigation into the causes, or counselors in high school, college communication, it is up to them, not for ETS, he says.

Stories that flow between the students suggest cheating on the Sabbath may not be rare, such cases are caught. on the site, a forum college admissions, SAT posts on the subject of recent debate on fraud and covering a wide range of examples of how students cheat, including these comments on the representation of the unknown:

Went the other students • "valedictorian of my school last year got $ 600 to take the SAT for this other child that made him a fake identity of the school," valedictorian and went to Harvard to Amherst College, according to the last.

"It was one child in my school desperate and paid about $ 2,000" • of the impostor to take Sat

• "in my school is very competitive, and has contacted a lot of people (with science Sat my) me about this subject, and provides hundreds of dollars. Although I had refused, of course, it is clear that someone can easily make thousands of dollars to do so. There is an enormous market of rich kids whose parents have deep pockets and high expectations. "

"This focus on testing preparedness goes hand in hand with the escalation of fraud, and the pressure felt these children to do well in tests ... make the kids feel that cheating is necessary," says Sally Rubenstone, Consultant, based in Massachusetts with top secret college, a quick note it does not condone cheating.

"If any good comes out of this [the arrest], it is to send officials to accept a return to the drawing board to design a process that is fairer," said Ms. Rubenstone says.

About 865 colleges and universities no longer use the SAT or ACT scores for most of the decisions their confessions, in part to reduce the pressure surrounding the process of testing and acceptance, says Scheffer.

The MP said that Rice's neighborhood must be increased security throughout the SATs, taking pictures of the students who appear for the test and attachment to the dozens of those pictures, so that guidance counselors can quickly spot discrepancies.

In some cheating scandals, the educators are trapped in the pressure for high scores - most recently in the Atlanta public schools. But in this case, teachers can investigate the credit when they heard rumors of fraud.

Administrators at Great Neck North considered the scores of students who took the test in other schools, and was the great disparity between the academic records and grades SAT, said Rice.

Da is also investigating whether such fraud occurred in other high-level schools in Nassau County.

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