Sunday 2 October 2011

brooklyn bridge

I'm wet, and it's late, but I wanted to get at least until the pictures tonight. As you may have read already, occupies Wall Street marched across the Brooklyn Bridge this afternoon. I did not know where we will go with my friends when he appeared for a rally in 03:00 - the point was "secret." But when it became 3000 of the City Hall passed us and kept going, and clear - we're going to Brooklyn!

Rallies are all about optics. I know this from all participate in the demonstrations in Hong Kong. I was the march of public relations - for your network there. Thus, the choice of the Brooklyn Bridge, on Saturday afternoon is busy, with lots of motorcycles, and casual strollers, tourists, and motorists on the road a step of genius.

I was near the rear of the march, about three-quarters of length behind the leaders. So I did not take a wrong turn on the road and the bridge to 700 400 demonstrators who got arrested did. (Amazingly - perhaps because I got arrested one of their reporters, Natasha Leonard, The New York Times and the good coverage and the minutes of the accident).
I walked on the corridor for pedestrians, with more than others. Rose hue and cry when she came word that was being kettled group below us and he was arrested, and some people began climbing the bridge cables (not a good idea, but damn, great picture!)
My friends and I made to the Brooklyn side, okay - and we ended up with about 350 other protesters in the yard Cadman, a beautiful garden of the 19th century. What I did not find until later that several hundred people behind me also got kettled and prevented from going all the way to Brooklyn. So I was among the lucky participants in the march in the middle.

Began to rain, hard. Group decided - in the "General Assembly" - to march across a bridge back to Manhattan's Zuccotti Park in Manhattan. Since I live in Brooklyn, decided to return to the homeland.

But there is something unusual and you leave the park in Brooklyn. He called me a policeman. "How's it going?" He asked. Nonplussed I said, Well, Well, thank you. Then I asked him if the police were on their way to surround the park and arrested us all (and this is what we have heard the "white shirts" as saying on their radio stations). He said: "No way! They will not arrest you for sure."

I asked him whether community affairs, he was a Lieutenant (officer, a white shirt), but had pressed into service CA policeman for the day. Then given free rein and let him come all. He sympathizes with the demonstrators. He had children, and worried about their education. About genetically modified foods. About the way America going.

I listened to him, half incredulous, half excited. Almost excited as I was, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, and hearing car horns and cheers from the drivers of passing cars - all of whom are African American. Commented some of the window, raised fists and cheered.

I have some reservations about what is happening in the garden Zuccotti, and I will write about that tomorrow. But tonight, I am going to hold tight to the memory of that policeman, and cries of those cars. "

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