Sunday 2 October 2011

eagle rock music festival

Feeding on the cover of the popular Lebanese pounds for the first time, and expand Lady of the Rosary with the dead over the nipples blue lion-colored rainbow three eyes and the devil with the blue blood spilling from his mouth more than a row of small jagged teeth.

Heavily doped and incredibly strange, there's something about the painting and this is not only of this world, which also describes the music produced by these children of Orange County, which plays this Saturday at the Eagle Rock Music Festival.

And met the people feeding the founders of Jesse Jones and Nick Rachman in the church cornerstone in Anaheim - "Christianity, Evangelical, and evil!" As you call it - where I played in the Sunday school before the band got kicked Rachman from the home of his grandfather and grandmother "to get a ticket and a bowl and a bad attitude.

Six years later, connected again and hit the circuit OC Coffee House with guitarist Louis Filliger, Riech organist Jane, and drummer / artist Mike Reinhart, who met Rachman chasing wild chickens around the Yorba Linda. Now they play hard and dark psychedelia - aware of the profound love of Black Saturday, the detection of acid, and brushes with the devil - to name the Highland Parks innovative entertainment, home and Nick Waterhouse, Hani Al-Khatib, and Freddie Gibbs.

Were produced the first recordings of the band Chris Alvaro free and robots, and got to feed people a rare opportunity to lead in the end, the theory of a few with Tom York. Because it was written voice, but recorded in the electrical by Reinhart in one take, and his parents walk in a small closet. "It was very hot, and we could barely fit in the band there," said Reinhart. "We pretty much recorded everything the channel where necessary." Made a courageous ten tracks of this session and put the LP for the first time, issued two weeks ago, the documents Berger.

Opened on the album "Language", nineteen-year-old lead singer Grace Jones channels a spot in the most primitive to them. She growls, "When I sing to Sani original looks like a devil dancing over me." But Filliger player who got the most experience with demons. A meeting described by one of the haunting me, especially after the release of the popular feed appear in the record room, the Continental a few weeks ago.

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